Bet on Blake for City Director

Blake Tierney is running for City Director to ensure every neighborhood has a voice and every neighbor has a home. 

If you love Little Rock, you know its potential, but you also know its heartbreak. We need good-hearted people to build a better city for us all. For Blake, it’s time to take up the torch and light a beacon, reminding Arkansans from every corner of the country that Little Rock has a future worth betting on.

Join me in this act of love for Little Rock.

Together, we’ll bring Little Rock a future worth betting on.

Blake Edward Tierney:
Bold. Effective. Trustworthy.

Blake has been starting and leading initiatives since he was a kid, serving others and unlocking opportunities. Whether managing millions of dollars in grants for young children across the country or organizing community spaces for groups of all ages and backgrounds in Little Rock, Blake creates positive change wherever he goes. 

People know when Blake is in the room from his laugh and his compassion. Blake believes in the people of Little Rock and will collaborate to shape the city into a safer, healthier, and more vibrant place for everyone. 

Blake lives in the MacArthur Park neighborhood, serves on the Age-Friendly Little Rock Commission, organizes fellowship and support for LGBTQ+ families, and attends Christ Episcopal Church. 

Bet on Blake

Arkansan, advocate, and your next City Director

It takes a lot of good-hearted folks to make this future a reality. Are you in?